Symbol Editor


Use the Symbol Editor window to change the appearance of points, lines, and shapes in layers. Access the Customize Symbol tool by clicking the symbol on the map legend.


The Points tab appears for layers containing single points.


Apply color to entire layer - Check this checkbox to apply selected color to the entire layer.

Point Color - Click to select the color of the point shape using the Color Control.
Click here for a description of color controls.

Outline Color - Click to select the color of the point shape outline using the Color Control.
Click here for a description of color controls.

Point Type - Click this drop down list to select from a list of shapes to indicate a point.

Point Size - Click this drop down list to select the size of the shape used to indicate the point.

OpacityUse this setting to change how bright the colors are on the map.

OK - Click to apply changes to the layer and close the Symbol Editor window.

Cancel - Click to close the Symbol Editor window without applying changes.



The Lines tab appears for layers containing lines.


Apply color to entire layer - Check this checkbox to apply selected color to the entire layer.

Line Color - Click to select the color of the line using the Color Control.
Click here for a description of color controls.

Line Width - Click this drop down list to select the thickness of the line.

OpacityUse this setting to change how bright the colors are on the map.

OK - Click to apply changes to the layer and close the Symbol Editor window.

Cancel - Click to close the Symbol Editor window without applying changes.



The Polygons tab appears for layers containing shapes for an area.



Fill Type - Click to select a fill type, solid or pattern, for the polygon area. Options include:

·         Solid (color fill)

·         Backward Diagonal (pattern fill)

·         Cross (pattern fill)

·         Diagonal Cross (pattern fill)

·         Forward Diagonal (pattern fill)

·         Horizontal (pattern fill)

·         None (no fill)

·         Vertical (pattern fill)


Fill Color - Click to select the color of the polygon area using the Color Control.
Click here for a description of color controls.

Outline Type - Click this drop down list to select from a list of outline types, including solid, Dash,Dot, Dash Dot, Long Dash, Long Dash Dot, Long Dash Dot Dot,Null, Short Dash, Short Dash Dot, Short Dash Dot Dot and Short Dot.

Outline Color - Click to select the color of the polygon's outline using the Color Control.
Click here for a description of color controls.

Outline Width - Click this drop down list to select the thickness of the polygon's outline.

OpacityUse this setting to change how bright the colors are on the map.

OK - Click to apply changes to the layer and close the Symbol Editor window.

Cancel - Click to close the Symbol Editor window without applying changes.